



1、启动/关闭发动机 ①启动:将刹车踏板踩死,按下启动按键即可。 ②关闭:将车辆停稳后,再次按压点火开关。 在启动发动机时,其他电气设备的工作会暂时停止。

2、打开/关闭电源 如果您只要打开点火开关而不启动发动机,操作步骤如下: ①启动:直接按下点火开关,不用踩下制动踏板。 ②关闭:接着再按一次按钮,发动机转速表指针回到OFF的位置。

3、熄火时的正确挂挡顺序 ①停车→②踩住刹车→③进N挡→④松开刹车→⑤拉手刹→⑥熄火→⑦进P挡(提示:在坡道停车时④和⑤需互换,否则会造成车辆后溜;另外,⑥与⑦的顺序可以对调)。先拉手刹后进P挡,这是因为挂完P挡后,车辆还是会有细小的滑动,使变速箱锁止机构卡得更紧,机械承受更大的压力,下一次启动又会再次冲击。

4、应急关闭功能 紧急处理时,尽管车辆在行驶状态,也能将发动机熄火。关闭引擎的方法:连续两次按下点火开关,按住不松手也可实现。

【英文介绍/For English】:

The one-button start button is located on the right side of the steering column, and the owner opens the door to enter the car, without taking out the key, just press the brake, lightly press the one-button start button, and the engine will be started. In the starting state, as long as you step on the brake and press the one-button start button, the engine will be turned off. Vehicle anti-theft anti-start alarm, with all the functions of ordinary anti-theft devices. If the driver's door is opened with the ignition off, the steering column will be locked.