国际陆港是设在内陆经济中心城市铁路、公路交汇处,便于货物装卸、暂存的车站,是依照有关国际运输法规、条约和惯例设立对外开放的通商口岸。具有停车场线、货物查验、装卸站台、仓库堆场、分拣厂房、办公大厦、生产和生活配套等设施和相应设备,具备国际货运的单证办理、货物查验、货物装卸、储存配送等功能。 国际陆港的作用: 国际陆港的建设有利于整合分散的物流资源,使物流资源得以集中,以发挥其协同作用的效应。同时,利用国际陆港的聚合力,可以吸引各类物流企业入驻国际陆港,为社会提供各种物流服务,吸引工商企业在国际陆港设立配送中心、采购中心、物流中心等分支机构。为企业自身及客户提供相关服务。通过国际陆港这个平台,能够吸引和集聚各类物流资源,促使区域的物流资源得到有效整合,为客户提供一体化的物流服务。通过物流资源的整合和集聚,形成较大规模的物流产业集聚,提高区域物流业的发展水平,从而降低物流服务交易成本,提高物流服务交易效率。
【英文介绍/For English】:
An international dry port is a station located at the intersection of railways and highways in the inland economic center city, which is convenient for loading, unloading, and temporary storage of goods. It has facilities and corresponding equipment such as parking lot lines, cargo inspection, loading and unloading platforms, warehouse yards, sorting workshops, office buildings, production and living facilities, and has the functions of document processing, cargo inspection, cargo handling, storage and distribution for international freight. .
The role of international dry ports:
The construction of an international dry port is conducive to the integration of scattered logistics resources, so that the logistics resources can be concentrated so as to exert their synergistic effect. At the same time, using the cohesive force of the international dry port, it can attract all kinds of logistics enterprises to settle in the international dry port, provide various logistics services for the society, and attract industrial and commercial enterprises to set up branches such as distribution centers, procurement centers, and logistics centers in the international dry port. Provide related services for the enterprise itself and its customers. Through the platform of international dry port, it can attract and gather various logistics resources, promote the effective integration of regional logistics resources, and provide customers with integrated logistics services. Through the integration and agglomeration of logistics resources, a large-scale logistics industry agglomeration is formed, and the development level of the regional logistics industry is improved, thereby reducing the transaction cost of logistics services and improving the efficiency of logistics service transactions.