










1、优质青梅(77%)。 一款好吃的零食的原材料是很重要的,还要它的制作工艺,溜溜梅的原材料就是采用的优质青梅制成的,在加上传统的制梅工艺,所以,溜溜梅一支是一款大众喜欢的零食,那么,溜溜梅是什么果子制成的...

2、杨梅(19%)。 溜溜梅的果子是杨梅。溜溜梅是用杨梅做的,因为杨梅生长在江浙一带,杨梅水份重,而不易保管,容易变质,所以经常有做成各种各样的零食,溜溜梅就是一种以杨梅为主原料经过加工做成的零食。

3、白砂糖(4%)。 展开全部 配料:青竹梅、白砂糖、葡萄糖、食盐等

【英文介绍/For English】:

Yoyomei is a green plum snack brand under the Yoyo Orchard Group Co., Ltd., headquartered in Wuhu, Anhui Province, and began to focus on the development of green plum food in 2005. Yoyomei focuses on the green plum category, and has successively developed original green plum, snow plum, black plum, Chinese plum, green tea-flavored green plum, pineapple-flavored green plum, coffee-flavored green plum, honey-flavored green plum, brown sugar-flavored green plum, Jiuzhi plum, lover's plum, bayberry, plum 14 popular flavors.

Yoyomei classification:

1. Original-flavored green plums: Fresh green plums in April are preferred, and they are picked and processed on the same day to retain the original flavor and natural color of green plums. Contains a variety of natural organic acids, the addition of preservatives is 0, and the addition of sweeteners is 0.

2. Green plums: The ripe fruit in the Fujian and Guangdong mountains at 23° north latitude is selected, and it is made by inheriting the ancient craftsmanship of Taiwan, supplemented by natural honey and green plum juice. Contains a variety of natural organic acids, the added amount of preservatives is 0, and it is rich in dietary fiber.

3. Xuemei: Alpine green plum is preferred, and plant extracts such as mint, honeysuckle and mangosteen are added. Contains a variety of natural organic acids, and the added amount of preservatives is 0.

4. Prune: Prune adopts the classic plum-making process of Yoyo Plum, which is rich in dietary fiber.

5. Wumei: Yoyomei Wumei is made of mature green plums in the Jiangnan Valley, inheriting the Chinese food and medicine culture. Contains a variety of organic acids, the addition of artificial colors is 0, and the traditional smoking process is upgraded.