



体粗壮,全长2米左右。上唇鳞8(3—2—3) 枚,颊鳞1枚; 眶前鳞1 (2,3)枚,眶后鳞2 (3)枚; 颞鳞2 (3,1)枚+3(2,4)枚。背鳞23 (21,24,25)—23 (21)—19 (17,18,20)行,除最外侧1~2行光滑外,均起强棱; 腹鳞203~224枚,肛鳞2枚,尾下鳞60~120对。背面黑色,混杂黄花斑,似菜花,所以有菜花蛇之称。头背棕黄色,鳞缘和鳞沟黑色,形成“王”字形黑斑,故称王锦蛇;腹面黄色,腹鳞后缘有黑斑。幼体背面灰橄榄色,鳞缘微黑,枕后有1条短纵纹,黑色;腹面肉色。




【英文介绍/For English】:

The cauliflower snake is not afraid of the king cobra because when the cauliflower snake encounters other snakes, even if they are not during the predation period, they will take violent attacks, coupled with their huge physique, strong strangulation ability and hunting ability, so they are not afraid of glasses. King snake. The cauliflower snake has an obvious irritable personality, especially in preying on other snakes, which can be comparable to the king cobra.

Morphological characteristics of cauliflower snake:

The body is sturdy, about 2 meters in length. 8 (3-2-3) upper lip scales, 1 cheek scale; 1 (2, 3) preorbital scales, 2 (3) retroorbital scales; 2 (3, 1) temporal scales + 3 (2) , 4) pieces. Dorsal scales 23 (21, 24, 25) - 23 (21) - 19 (17, 18, 20) rows, except for the outermost 1-2 rows, which are smooth and strongly ribbed; abdominal scales 203-224, anal scales 2, with 60-120 pairs of lower tail scales. The back is black, mixed with yellow spots, like cauliflower, so it is called the cauliflower snake. The head and back are brownish-yellow, and the scale margins and scale grooves are black, forming a "king" shaped black spot, so it is called Wang Jin snake; the ventral surface is yellow, and there are black spots on the back edge of the ventral scales. The dorsal surface of the larvae is grayish-olive, the scale margins are blackish, and there is a short longitudinal stripe behind the occiput, black; the ventral surface is flesh-colored.