



比亚迪宋pro显示胎压方式,方向盘右边模式下面的按钮,显示切换按钮按一下,再点音量键向下滚动就可以切换内容,滚到第三下就是胎压。 比亚迪宋Pro标配胎压监测系统,根据车型的不同,装配的胎压监测也不同,分为直接胎压监测系统和间接式胎压监测系统。比亚迪宋Pro燃油自动舒适型和自动精英型配有间接式胎压监测系统,自动豪华型和自动尊贵型配有直接式胎压监测系统,比亚迪宋ProDM和EV全系标配直接胎压监测系统。

【英文介绍/For English】:

The tire inflation pressure recommended by the BYD Song MAX manufacturer is 250kPa, and car owners can adjust the air pressure according to their own driving experience. It is recommended that the air pressure be in the range of 220-270kPa. Internationally, there are also requirements for the air pressure of automobile tires. According to the regulations and requirements of the international GBT2978-2008 standard: standard tires are 2.4-2.5bar; reinforced tires are 2.8-2.9bar; the maximum air pressure should not be greater than 3.5bar.